How to prevent the risk relating to mechanical vibrations on a work site?
How to prevent the risk relating to mechanical vibrations on a work site?
vibrations, one of the first causes of MSD in professions of the building industry
vibrations, one of the first causes of MSD in professions of the building industry
In all masonry work, formwork, wood frame house construction and roof construction, the hammer is the essential tool for the professional.
Repeated and intensive hammering causes vibration which is transmitted through the hand to the arm, which is not without consequences for the professional’s health. So much so that mechanical vibration is one of the biggest causes of MSD (musculoskeletal disorders) in building professions.
The professional is exposed to pathologies mainly of osteo-articulary and vascular types. In the most serious cases the symptoms are as follows:
Hammer illness which leads to Raynaud phenomenon (painful whitening of phalanges when exposed to cold and/or dampness) for subjects who use the palm of their hand as a working tool. In the final stages this may lead to the formation of an aneurism with risk of embolism (obstruction by a blood clot) in the finger arteries.
Loss of sensation of touch, heat or cold
Pain in arms and hands
Difficulties in using articulations of wrist and elbow.

to remove the risk of MSD from mechanical vibrations?
How to remove the risk of MSD from mechanical vibrations?
The risk of MSD increases the greater the amplitude of the vibration and the longer the time of exposure. Prevention is therefore essential: adapting work stations and rest periods, creating a system to absorb vibrations on tools and improving grip, wearing gloves…
The nanovib hammer almost halves mechanical vibrations
The R & D department at Leborgne, in partnership with experts in prevention in building, undertook the development of a technical solution to reduce vibrations related to the use of a hammer. After 5 years of research, this project produced the nanovib range and its hammers which absorb twice as much vibration as hammer in the same category therefore reducing the risk of MSD.
The nanovib claw hammer : for all masonry work , formwork, woodframe construction housing, and roof framework
The nanovib carpenter’s hammer one claw and nanovib hook for framework professions
The framing hammer hammer with nanovib hook specially adapted for wood frame construction professionals.
Thanks to their patented handle Leborgne’s nanovib hammers have obtained LEV (Threshold value of exposure to vibration) of less than 2.5m/s2 which means a professional can use the tool during an entire working day (based on 2 400 strikes per day).

Another advantage of nanovib hammers : prevention of risk of accidents
The patented range of nanovib hammers also is offers by all the features for safety, resistance, ergonomics and ease of use which characterise Leborgne tools.
The hardened steel handle of Leborgne nanovib hammers gives a high level of resistance to mis-hits, the positioning of its handle by crimping guarantees resistance 4.5 times higher than the NF EN15601 standard
The ergonomic handle made of three types of material ensures a comfortable grip
The claws and the edges of the striking surface are bevelled to prevent the risk of cuts.
Where to find the Frameworker’s nanovib hammer?
Find out about useful innovation at Leborgne

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