How can you till the soil and prepare your vegetable garden without suffering from backache ?
How can you till the soil and prepare your vegetable garden without suffering from backache ?
Cultivating your vegetable garden, a widespread pleasure
Cultivating your vegetable garden, a widespread pleasure
In France enthusiasm for vegetable gardens is getting stronger all the time. Just find a small piece of ground and off we go! Tomato plants here, a few courgettes there, and over there an attempt to grow a melon. Whether it’s a mini-garden or 20 metres long, whether you are a beginner or an expert, to make a vegetable garden you must prepare the ground and maintain it. The first step is to prepare the soil for sowing seeds. The bigger the garden, the more tedious the work and a greater risk of aching muscles. Such as traditional backache, due to both bad posture and repeated effort.
can you prepare the vegetable garden for sowing seeds without suffering from backache?
How can you prepare the vegetable garden for sowing seeds without suffering from backache?
Using a spade for digging is tedious because the posture and the gesture are so exhausting and not without risks for the back. The weight of the spade does not help either!
Leborgne Biogrif’ to avoid backache
The Biogrif’ penetrates the soil vertically and very deeply. The hardest part is to push the tempered steel prongs into the ground by pushing on the foot rest with one foot or both feet.
Once the prongs are in the ground, all you need to do is pull the handles back, keeping your back straight, pulling from left to right to break up the clumps of soil.
In this way the Biogrif’ enables the gardener to work standing up, without getting backache and without having to lift the soil.
In this way the Biogrif’ enables the gardener to work standing up, without getting backache and without having to lift the soil.
Unlike other similar tools on the market the Biogrif’ has spare prongs, sold in units and easy to replace thanks to its bolted attachment system.
advantage of the Boigrif’ : it aerates and loosens the soil without
turning over earth
Further advantage of the Boigrif’ : it aerates and loosens the soil without turning over earth
Besides the fact that digging is very hard work, especially for the back, the action of pushing a sharp blade into the soil and turning over a spadeful of earth is, in fact, bad for the health of the soil.
To benefit from the natural resources present in soil, the Leborgne 4 or 5 prong Biogrif’ loosens and aerates the soil without turning it over, so that air, water and roots can pass freely through the soil.
The tool preserves the different microbiological layers of the soil and respects the beneficial action of the micro-organisms which transform organic matter into natural fertilizer and feed the soil.
Where to find the Leborgne Biogrif’
Find out about innovation at Leborgne
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