The brand
Sustainable development at Leborgne

Sustainable development at Leborgne


What does the term sustainable development mean?

“Sustainable development is development which meets the need of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs”. Extract from the report « all our futures » published in 1987 by the Commission of the United Nations for environment and development.

The concept of sustainable development relates first of all to ethics. The legal obligation comes afterwards. 

The social responsibility of companies is the application by companies of the principles of sustainable development expressed in the Iso 26000 standard « guidelines relative to company responsibility »

Social responsibility of companies at Leborgne

Leborgne is committed to SRC by its own procedure. In fact In 2010 a commission on Sustainable Development was set up. Its members, who represent the management of the different departments of the company, have been trained in sustainable development and have participated in audits in order to determine the stakes and the actions to respond to them. In this way,  Leborgne worked to obtain the ISO14001 certification (environment management systems) in 2012 and developed the Nanovib range of tools in 2013 to prevent health risks for users of our products and has drawn up an charter of 8 commitments which lead to actions.

 The 8 commitments of Leborgne for sustainable development  

Reduce the impact of our products on the environment

1 - Reduce our overall demand for energy (distribution, purchasing, production)

2 - Increase the value of our waste and recycle it

3 - Eco-design of our innovative tools

Promote social responsibility in our chain of values: 

4 - Encourage our suppliers to limit their social and environmental impact

5 - Act according to values and a vision shared by all our stakeholders

6 - Act to reduce professional health risks and prevent accidents

Strengthen our relationships with our stakeholders :

7 - Harmonise our development within the local territory

8 - Anticipate and take into account the expectations of our industrial partners

 Results following the commitments of the Leborgne charter for sustainable development 

This SRC process gives meaning to our everyday work and has produced several effects :

  • The use of 1st class recycled steel and use of wood from FSC or PEFC certified forests

  • Training in gestures and postures and  adapting workstations

  • Creation of an action plan for seniors and equal opportunities for men/women

  • Signature of a charter of ethics by our employees and our suppliers

  • 2012 several actions relating to ISO 14001, increase in value of 97% of waste, reduction of energy and water consumption, elimination of all carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductively toxic  products

  • 2014 creation of a post of Leborgne representative for large institutions and construction industry unions

  • 2015 OHSAS 18001 certification for the prevention of professional hazards (work health and safety management system)

  • 2015 creation of an internal newsletter about sustainable development published twice a year by the employees

  • 2016 first participation by Leborgne in the National Week for Sustainable Development

  • 2017 Leborgne is awarded the Trophy for responsible companies, organised by one of our clients.

Joining the Global Compact in 2016 symbolises for us the effect of the actions that we have taken to respect Human rights, respect international work standards, protect the environment and fight against corruption

Commitment by employees

Every employee can make proposals relating to sustainable development at Leborgne.  This results in  actions for the Sustainable Development Week when lectures are organised on energy control, well-being at work, the history of Leborgne, local wild fauna and flora, recycling our waste, the association Terre Sainte, which works for the reinsertion of people in difficulty through market-gardening, and also by the creation of a vegetable garden for employees.

Zero phyto ?

In France the nation became aware of the issue during the discussions on the environment (Grenelle de l’Environment) in 2007. The result of these discussion meant it was « game over » for pesticides and fertilizers which were used too systematically and in over large quantities in cultivating parks and gardens and in maintaining green spaces, which is harmful to the environment.

Since 1st January 2017 the law for energy transition has forbidden the use of pesticides and fertilizers by parks and garden departments and highway departments of local authorities. This restriction will be extended to private householders for their garden in 2019.

NaturOvert  range : the answer for eliminating all chemical products

The Duopro range created in 2008 is the solution proposed by Leborgne to the question: what are the alternatives to the use of pesticides – such as weedkillers, fungicides, insecticides- in the vegetable garden, parks and gardens or lawns?

Going back to the use of hand tools can only be achieved by improving the ergonomics and the effectiveness of the products which can be found with Duopro tools.

Tools which do good to soil

In the same way that the tools in the Nanovib range were designed to increase user safety and preserve user health, the NaturOvert range was created to enable users to work in the garden or green spaces from the perspective of  sustainable development

For example, with the Biogrif’, soil can be aerated without turning over the soil layers, preserving the micro-organisms of the soil, which live in an anaerobic environment and those on the surface which work in an aerobic environment.