Information NaturOvert tilting scraper
H : 172 cm - Larg : 15 cm - Poids : 1.185 kg
- Blade fully hardened to 38 - 46 HRC : effective and durable
- Tubular socket fitting for handle for greater strength
- Extra-long shaft to reduce back strain
- Available with ergonomic handle (reference 467052) : prevention of MSD's (musclo-skeletal disorders) of the lombar region
- Reduction of 30% in effort required to tighten the handle
Product highlights
- front edge ; for cutting young shoots on surface under the collar with push movement (with tilted blade angle)
- rear edge : for cutting young shoot on the surface under collar with pull movement (with tilted blade angle)
Additional information
Push-pull tool : with hinge movement for weeding out unwanted plants and cweeding the vegetable garden
Models available
- 467051 - NaturOvert tilting scraper shaft made of 100% PEFC crertified wood (150 cm)
- 467052 - NaturOvert tilting scraper shaft made of 100% PEFC crertified wood (150 cm) + ergonomic handle
Spare parts
- 513150 - 100% PEFC certified wooden handle (150cm)
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