
Prevention of risk of accident
Profiled to prevent dropping (storage angle : 10°) :
- Stops the hammer from dropping when user crouches,
- The end of the handle does not knock the back of the user's leg
Prevention of risk of cuts
- Flush fit handle socket sleeve, protects the end of the handle from mis-hits.
Information Nanovib hammer holder
Product highlights
- Systemetrical profile for right-handed or left-handed use
- Universel hammer holder, adapts to all types of hammer
- 100% graphite unbreakable pencil included
- Polymer knock-proof material, on the work site, does not bruise hip when knocked.
Additional information
Practical, a 100% graphite unbreakable pencil that does not need to be cut is included in the hammer holder
Tool developed with the National Committee for the Development of Wood
Étoile de l'Observeur du Design 2012.
Reddot Design Award 2013.
Models available
- 494110 - Nanovib hammer holder BP110N