Garden naturally
Garden naturally
Gardeners are increasingly supporting the idea that digging over the soil to prepare the earth is not the only solution and that working the garden without disturbing the microbiological composition of the soil is more effective and requires less fertilizer.
There are two tools in Leborgne’s range to help you break up the surface structure of the soil without digging it over:
The Biogrif enables you to dig and aerate the soil without turning it over and therefore conserves the microbiological organisation of the soil. It is true that micro-organisms have a beneficial action which transforms organic matter into natural fertilizer, thus feeding the soil.
From the ergonomic point of view, the Biogrif also allows you work while keeping your back straight and allows you to divide the effort between two handles instead of one.The rotogrif is used to loosen the soil without turning it over and without bending. Ideal for preparing the garden before sowing and for maintaining soil, preferably in ground which has already been dug : flower beds, rockeries, vegetable garden.. . the Rotogrif can be used for mixing peat, compost and uprooting weeds. The foot rest aids penetration in the soil effortlessly. Its ergonomic features make working in places which are difficult to reach easier (flower bed, rockery…) and it is precise so that you can work without damaging plants which are already in place.
Finally to reduce watering and use of fertilizers as well as spread of weeds, it is advisable to mulch the soil after loosening with the Rotogrif and thereby over time, create soil which is naturally full of life, rich in humus and well-structured.
Regarding maintenance in the vegetable garden and other beds, the hoe and the Duopro scraper will be useful for weeding manually without using chemical products.
paths naturally
paths naturally
To compensate for the end of the use of chemical products for weeding parks and paths, the hoe and the Duopro scraper are recommended for intensive use, on rough ground and beds where the soil is hard.
The edge scraper will help you to clean spaces between paving stones and to weed along walls, borders and pavements, in the corners and around drains. Perfect on tarmac or concrete, because it is robust and resists wear and tear.
all the tools in the NaturOvert range, professional tools for natural gardening.

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